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My EVR Microbrute DRSSTC

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:31 am
by Fiddy

Here is my Microbrute DRSSTC from eastern voltage research that i built last year, im in Australia so im using a 2kW step down to 110V.

heres the original build thread: ... 78988.html


Re: My EVR Microbrute DRSSTC

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:34 am
As I was looking through the photos, I was like "that pointed top looks familiar". I was referring to this:


Also noticed you Wicked Laser there. How did you go with shipping that one here? I was tempted but I already lost a laser pointer and other things to Customs before so I didn't want to risk it. Ended up ordering a lower power RGB laser when I was in Hawaii and had it sent to the hotel for me to take back. I was tempted to get a 1 watt one but wanted something that was relatively safer to look at. I just wanted a blue one really.

Image Image

Anyways, enough rambling. I had always wanted to get one of those kits from EVR. Every now and again I would look there and think of getting it until one day I Googled for a kit and saw the oneTesla. At the price it was available for and with 240V support out of the box, I was instantly sold. I like how with the microBrute you can do Low Frequency Long PW. Looks quite nice.

The Plasmasonic that they are advertising now looks pretty neat but quite a pricy setup. After building the oneTesla though, I am quite hooked on it now so I'm thinking of building something large... probably will be a good old fashioned spark gap type.

On a side note, I was keeping an eye on EVR and noticed they posted some links for an upcoming QCW Tesla Coil. They removed the link from their homepage, but it still exists. I'm quite interested in this one:

Re: My EVR Microbrute DRSSTC

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:56 am
by Fiddy
I make the pointed breakout points on the lathe then polish them up, makes the coil look heaps tough!

Good stuff, yeah i wish the EVR had 240V support, im toying with the idea of removing the voltage dubbler from the board and replacing it with a full bridge rectifer so it works from 240V straight up without a stepdown transformer.

yeah the advanced modulator is pretty fun, i just ordered the midi controller for the Microbrute too so ill be playing some tunes like the Onetesla.

The Plasmasonic is huge and runs from 110AC :( have you seen there full audio modulated Plasmasonic kit? ... sonic.html

That would be fun to do aswell.

Mmmm large spark gap sounds fun!

I saw they removed the QCW tesla coil from their site, i was waiting for them to release it, hope it still exists too, i had a look and its pretty complicated how it ramps the bus voltage up to acheive those sword like sparks.

heres a photo today, now i have a signal generator i can tune like a boss, was trying to get my microbrute secondary resonant frequency down!


Re: My EVR Microbrute DRSSTC

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:17 pm
by Alex
they're not going to finish the qcw kit, apparently it's too complicated

hm… make a one board qcw kit?

Re: My EVR Microbrute DRSSTC

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:59 am
by Fiddy
dam, was hoping it would come out soon, yeah onetesla take on the QCWSSTC!

Re: My EVR Microbrute DRSSTC

PostPosted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:38 pm
by ican
My friends and I are working on the QCW coil soon... I'll keep you updated.

Re: My EVR Microbrute DRSSTC

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:18 am
by Fiddy
Oh mad, good luck man!