Completed OneTeslaTS

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Completed OneTeslaTS

Postby joelaposta » Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:29 am

I finally finished my OneTeslaTS. Fired it up last night and it worked like a champ! I was a bit nervous because I didn't do the low power testing before I completed the whole build since I didn't have a power cord to test it. I did do the testing with the fuse removed once I got a power cord though and obviously it worked out great. I had done about 5 coats of spray on poly, but after reading a lot of comments, I decided to throw a few more on just to try and mitigate some of the problems others have mentioned even though I haven't seen any yet. I am still waiting on an SD card to come in, since I couldn't find any less than 2gb around the house. Once I get that I will try the music files and upload a video then.

Thanks for the fun build!!

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