10A Powerstat Variac Build

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10A Powerstat Variac Build

Postby ican » Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:08 am

Hey guys... I'm in the process of building a case for my 10A Variac. I don't have a step-by-step guide yet, but I'll post more as I progress... Today, for your viewing pleasure, the first few steps of the build, including measurements... If anyone is interested in building this case, I'm willing to cut face plates for donations towards buying more tesla coil parts... hehe. =)

Laser cut faceplate...


Everything in its place...


Wiring has begun!!!


The faceplate is 7" wide by 9" tall, allowing for a 1/4" of channel on all sides of the plate into the wood case. The dimensions of the case sides are 2 x 9.25"x9.25" for the top and bottom, 2 x 8.5"x9.25" for the sides, and 1 x 8.5"x7.5" for the back piece, and made of 3/4" solid pine. More pictures soon.
Magnificent MOSFET
Posts: 136
Joined: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:15 pm

Re: 10A Powerstat Variac Build

Postby ican » Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:00 am


Here's the fully assembled variac, tested and running as of an hour ago. I still need to sand it, stain it, and replace all the steel hardware with brass to give it that Victorian steam punk look.
Magnificent MOSFET
Posts: 136
Joined: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:15 pm

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