Between December’s holidays and the upcoming Chinese New Year, as well as Boston’s record snowstorms with a cumulative SIX FEET of snow, the shipping ports have been very backed up! We have straggling parts that were finished in December, shipped as soon as factories reopened after the New Year, and are still on a boat! For the past three weeks, our freight forwarder has reported the status of our stragglers as “almost there.” At long last, all remaining items have cleared customs but have not yet been made available for pickup. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that they’re going to be available early next week. After that, it will just take a few days for packaging before we start shipping Kickstarter reward kits. After that, oneTeslaTS and tinyTesla will be officially available.
We’re very excited to have completely redesigned our user manuals to make them easier to read, and easier for you to print at home. We’re still polishing the edges and retouching the final parts photos, and we’ll be uploading them to our website next week.
We’ll keep you posted!
Happy Valentine's Day!
The oneTesla Team