Before you begin

Read the tutorials

All of our tutorials can be found at


Observe good workspace practices

  • Keep your workspace neat and orderly.
  • Always obey common sense.
  • Do not continue work if at any point you feel uncomfortable with the hazards a challenging electronics project poses.
  • Use caution when soldering. Lead is hazardous, and the iron is extremely hot.


Have the right equipment

Having the proper tools for electronic assembly, particularly a powerful enough soldering iron, will make your life much easier! Here are the tools you need to assemble your Tesla coil:

  • temperature-controlled soldering iron, 40W minimum
  • rosin-core solder of an appropriate thickness
  • safety glasses
  • small pliers
  • flush cutters
  • wire strippers
  • small screwdriver
  • hot glue gun
  • multimeter
  • spray-on or paint-on varnish

Optional but useful:

  • packing tape
  • masking tape
  • solder wick or other desoldering tools
  • oscilloscope and power supply


Safely work with electrical hazards

  • Always be in control of the power source. Have the plug within your reach at all times.
  • Wait 5 minutes after unplugging the driver board for capacitors to discharge before servicing the board.
  • When debugging, don’t wear jewelry that could accidentally come into contact with circuitry and cause short-circuits.
  • Never work on something dangerous when you’re alone. If you feel tired or uncomfortable at any point, take a break and come back to your work later.
  • If you have any hesitation about the nature of the high voltage circuits you are probing, work with one hand in your pocket. This prevents you from inadvertently touching a grounded object with your other hand when probing something that is potentially high voltage, which could cause a short-circuit across your chest.
  • Ask for help when you need it! Better to ask a question in advance than do something damaging or dangerous. We’re here to help on



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